The Asha Award was instituted out of an endowment received from Asha Hospital for a young member. The paper must be presented by a member not over 40 years of age on 30 August of the year in which he is submitting his entry. If that psychiatry conference is not held in that year, the date of reckoning the age shall remain the same.
None of the authors or co-authors will be over 40 years of age on the specified day mentioned above. The contestants must enclose with their papers, their certificates of age as recorded in the school leaving certificate or equivalent records.
For any paper to be considered for the award, it shall be necessary for the author to submit one hard copy and one soft copy of the full paper to Dr. Anukant Mital Chairperson, Awards Committee, by a date determined by the council of the Indian Association of Biological Psychiatry’s sake of uniformity of style the paper shall be prepared in accordance with the “Instructions to contributors” published in any standard indexed journal (For e.g. The Indian Journal of Psychiatry). Six copies of the abstract of the paper (not more than 200 words) in six separate sheets shall be enclosed with the paper.
To be eligible for the award, the paper must fulfill each of the following criteria:
- It must be a research paper based on work done in India. It must not have been published in a scientific journal nor have been awarded any award of the National recognition
- There should be a letter by the presenters and all authors certifying the authenticity of work
- The principal author and at least 50% of all authors must be members of the IABP at the time of the submission of the paper. A panel of judges shall rate the papers. Out of the full marks i.e. 100, 60% will be for preparation and compilation of the paper and 40% for its presentation at the conference. The paper securing highest total marks (out of 100) shall win the award subject to ratification by the awards committee and the executive council of the society. In case of a tie, the concerned papers will be declared joint winners. To win an award not less than 50% of the full marks must be obtained by a paper. To be eligible for presentation, the written version of the paper must secure at least 40% of the full marks allotted for the written version i.e. 24 out of 60.
- Only the four qualified will be presented to oral presentation. The paper will be the property of Indian Association of Biological Psychiatry. The top scoring paper or papers will be awarded. All authors of the award winning paper shall be considered to have won the award and will be issued certificates and will be eligible for the award money. The money will be handed over to the principal author for distribution among the co-authors.
- None of the judges appointed for this award, shall be contestants for this award. However, a judge is eligible to contest for any other award.
- Last date for submission is 31st January 2025
Asha Award Chairperson: Dr. Anukant Mital
Asha Award Papers to be submitted to: